If you’re thinking of calling your GP surgery please remember this –
1. We can’t do prescriptions early or give you more just in case – the pharmacies are struggling already, you don’t want the pharmacies to be like the supermarkets.
2. We can’t give you an inhaler even though you had one 5 years ago when you had a bad cough – just in case – I know it’s scary but lots of people really really need these inhalers and if you get one just in case they might not be able to get o…ne that they really need!
3. We cant give you paracetamol on prescription just because you cant buy it over the counter.
4. We can’t advise you whether you should or shouldn’t self isolate if you are at risk, we have a considerable number of patients – please follow the guidance I know it’s not perfect but we don’t have anything else we can tell you.
5. If you are due to have a routine appointment and we tell you it’s cancelled, try and understand the unprecedented strain we are trying to get through
Please don’t shout at your GP staff when they can’t do these things because remember we will still make sure you get the medication you NEED and we will still provide the best possible care – over the phone or face to face if absolutely necessary!
Every single person who sets foot in a healthcare setting from now on, is sadly entering a high risk environment, why would you put yourself (and us) at risk?
Remember all NHS staff are doing this to help keep you safe.